Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Big Scare

Yesterday we had a big scare.  We had to go pick new carpet because the carpet we picked was no longer available.  But that's not the scare part.  After we spent an hour trying to pick out carpet, we went to our house where they had started painting.  As I walked in the door, I was scared, very scared.  Our paint looked pink, coral, flesh colored, even Barbie flesh colored.  We were mortified.  It was like we'd moved back to St. George.  I even called our neighbor and had her come look and she could see what we saw.  We immediately called Karen, the lady who helps us, to tell her what we found and that we HAD to change it.  This morning she called and luckily it was only the primer.  However, we'll found out hopefully today what our real color is.  I asked them to put some splashes on the wall to help us see what it will be like before they actually paint tomorrow.  Oh, talk about stress for 12 hours!!

Hopefully we'll have some pictures of our pretty walls soon.

We also have a tenative week to be in our house--about the 2nd week of June--Hooray!!!

**Thank you Christopher and Emily for bringing us our appliances.  We're excited to get them in there and be in our house.  We enjoyed having you here and hope that Christopher has gotten some sleep.

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